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Rhythm Seed Farm has to move!

Like so many other urban farms before us, the land that had been generously donated to RSF has been sold for development. But we’re not throwing in the towel!

We know how critical urban agriculture is for the health of our communities and ecosystems, and we are determined to keep growing and donating seeds to our partners across the local food web.

We’re calling on friends of the farm (and friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends) to help us find our new home in the Portland Metro Area.

We are seeking…

  • Whether you own a vacant lot, want to share your backyard, or work with a land trust supporting organizations like ours, we are open to a variety of arrangements.

  • Transforming a lawn or an overgrown vacant lot into a thriving farm takes a ton of blood, sweat, and mulch — and as seed farmers, our work is tied to the rhythms of the seasons. A 2+ year lease will protect our ability to grow and save our seeds, ensuring that our seed donations keep rolling.

  • While we are open to pursuing more rural projects, staying in an urban or suburban area is important to our mission because…

    … It keeps the seeds we grow each year adapting to our unique urban growing conditions (such as the heat and wind island effects, sun scald, and air pollution, for example).

    … It keeps the environmental benefits of our work where we need them the most. These benefits range from providing habitat and food for pollinators, cleaning our air, cooling our cities, and increasing our resilience to floods and other forms of extreme weather.

    … It keeps the social benefits of our work accessible to the urban and suburban communities we serve. Many of our volunteers have no access to growing space of their own, and may not have their own method of transportation, making Portland’s wide network of peri-urban farms inaccessible. To our knowledge, we are the only urban farm in Portland with a no-commitment, open-door approach to community participation in practice-based learning. We would like to find a space where we can continue this.

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We offer…

  • Our approach to growing food has many benefits for our urban environment, from providing your property with the cooling power of plants in the summer to increasing the water-absorbing capacity of your soil to help mitigate flooding. Read more here.

  • We have a wonderful and wide group of members and volunteers committed to our mission.

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  • As a dedicated seed farm, once seeds are removed we sometimes have more produce than we need. In exchange for farming your land, we would happily share the bounty. An arrangement like this would likely work best in more residential settings.

Think you have a lead for us?

Drop it below.